Export concerns

Interface Explanation Documentation
Nikazooz\Simplesheet\Concerns\FromArray Use an array to populate the export.
Nikazooz\Simplesheet\Concerns\FromCollection Use a Laravel Collection to populate the export. Exporting collections
Nikazooz\Simplesheet\Concerns\FromIterator Use an iterator to populate the export.
Nikazooz\Simplesheet\Concerns\FromQuery Use an Eloquent query to populate the export. From Query
Nikazooz\Simplesheet\Concerns\WithTitle Set the Workbook or Worksheet title. Multiple Sheets
Nikazooz\Simplesheet\Concerns\WithHeadings Prepend a heading row. Adding a heading row
Nikazooz\Simplesheet\Concerns\WithMapping Format the row before it's written to the file. Mapping data
Nikazooz\Simplesheet\Concerns\WithMultipleSheets Enable multi-sheet support. Each sheet can have its own concerns (except this one). Multiple Sheets
Nikazooz\Simplesheet\Concerns\WithEvents Register events to hook into the Box Spout process. Events
Nikazooz\Simplesheet\Concerns\WithCustomCsvSettings Allows to run custom Csv settings for this specific exportable. Custom CSV Settings


Trait Explanation Documentation
Nikazooz\Simplesheet\Concerns\Exportable Add download/store abilities right on the export class itself. Exportables
Nikazooz\Simplesheet\Concerns\RegistersEventListeners Auto-register the available event listeners. Auto register event listeners